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Atomic Landscape

my certifications

This page is dedicated to my achievements and participations in different trainings, hackathons and internship opportunities. click on each heading to view the certificate.

This is to certify my completion of my training of embedded systems at coincent.

Hackathon conducted by CINTEL Department of SRM in collaboration with coding ninjas

Completed a short internship of being E-CELL Ambassador of coincent technologies.

Completed SQL bootcamp by Udemy successfully

This is to certify my participation in two months training in embedded systems at coincent.

Successfully taken the AICTE assessment by the institution and achieved 4 star rating

Completed a course on pic 16 architecture by microchip during AICTE Internships.

This is to certify that I have completed the course of Computer Architecture by NPTEL and cleared the examination

By Atharva Thombare RA2211004010084

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